Spark it up a notch. Nitty-gritty details of Apache Spark

By Medium - 2021-03-13


I’ve spent about a year learning and implementing the different subtleties associated with Spark. In this series, starting with this article, I’m going to attempt to document the different scenarios…


  • Spark it up a notch Nitty-gritty details of Apache Spark I’ve spent about a year learning and implementing the different subtleties associated with Spark.
  • Transformations are lazy by nature — Spark keeps track of what transformation is called on which record(using the DAG) and will execute them only when an action is called on the data(for ex, printing the top 5 lines of the dataset).
  • Note here that transformations return new RDDs since RDDs are immutable.
  • Wide Transformation All the elements required to compute the records in a single partition may reside in a many partitions of the parent RDD.



  1. Backend (0.26)
  2. Database (0.14)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.07)

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