Stunning Tables using bokeh and svg

By Medium - 2021-03-16


Have you ever worked on complex data and miserably failed in concise visualization? Certianly one of the biggest challenge I’m experiencing day to day and also see many of my colleagues struggling…


  • Clear and Concise Data Presentation Have you ever worked on complex data and miserably failed in concise visualization?
  • In this post I want to give you a short and simple example in how to combine tabular data with preview visualizations using the Bokeh DataTable widget and its built-in HTMLTemplateFormatter.
  • A simple bokeh table without any formatting You may realize that it is rather hard to identify result patterns even with three results only.
  • Here how this an be achieved.



  1. Backend (0.32)
  2. Database (0.15)
  3. Frontend (0.15)

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