How poor data quality impacts your business?

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-15


Poor data quality is consequential now more than ever businesses access more and more data and manipulate it to their advantage. Users also have a larger lis…


  • If you are quick about it, you can cleanse your systems without incurring any extensive losses, but still, it will be costlier doing it than preventing data flaws from finding their way into your systems in the first place.
  • Failing to do anything about the poor data quality in your systems, on the other hand, can set you back as much as 100 times the cost of preventing it at the point of entry.
  • Humans will get tired of the monotony that comes with it.



  1. Backend (0.42)
  2. Database (0.19)
  3. Security (0.11)

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