Are Food Distributors Missing Out on the Advantages of AI? Part 2

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-15


Blog Series on Foodservice Distribution Part 2: Transform Your Order Takers into Sales Consultants Part 1 of this series presented our view on what foodservice…


  • Are Food Distributors Missing Out on the Advantages of AI?
  • How long will it take to get my salmon?
  • Foodservice distributors have known for a long time that they could increase sales if their salespeople had the time and experience to help customers build their own business by suggesting menus and complementary or trending products.
  • The application of AI-driven solutions to critical business issues like pricing optimization is a perfect example of where AI and human touch combine to bring the most value to boost margins and improve customer experience.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.1)
  2. Backend (0.08)
  3. Management (0.08)

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