Stop using Image Interpolation for Neural Audio Synthesis

By Medium - 2021-03-15


In this story I want to advance your current understanding of neural upsamplers in the context of audio synthesis. And provide a simple Subpixel1D Keras layer implementation to use as a drop-in…


  • The different types of Neural Upsamplers and which one you should use in your Deep Learning Audio Synthesis Project.
  • In the following sections we will have a closer look into the implementation of a Subpixel1D layer but let us first talk about the pro’s and con’s of the three methods so far.
  • Now let us put this layer into action by implementing a simple auto-encoder for raw audio data.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.41)
  2. Backend (0.19)
  3. NLP (0.13)

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