Understanding Transformers, the Programming Way

By Medium - 2020-10-19


Transformers have become the defacto standard for NLP tasks nowadays. They started being used in NLP but they are now being used in Computer Vision and sometimes to generate music as well. I am sure…


  • Because you can only understand it, if you can program it Transformers have become the defacto standard for NLP tasks nowadays.
  • This is because we don’t have batches yet and the number of pad tokens will inherently depend on the maximum length of a sentence in the particular batch.
  • Since I don’t have a German Translator at hand, I will use the next best thing to see how our model is performing.
  • We will discuss those advancements and how they came about in the upcoming post, where I will talk about BERT, one of the most popular NLP models that utilizes a Transformer at its core.



  1. NLP (0.3)
  2. Backend (0.21)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.2)

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